Hacking Health Covid-19

M.Sc. Artificial Intelligence for Business Transformation

Thierry Warin https://www.nuance-r.com/principalInvestigator.html (HEC Montreal (Canada))https://www.hec.ca

Table of Contents


In these trying times for people across the world, we feel fortunate to have access to the Internet, and to be - relatively - able to pursue our mission thanks to our technologies. We are also fortunate to have access to a platform dedicated to research in Data Science.

In the world context, on top of its normal operations, the Lab’s team has decided to devote some resources to open its platform, both in terms of technology and human resources, to contribute to the world conversation about Covid-19. Students who are interested in contributing to this initiative are very welcome. The goal is to make a contribution to the world conversation with science at its core.

For this initiative, we want to be as open as possible in this initiative. We want to build on open data, open code, open research, and open source software as much as possible. Why? Because we want to ensure our results are at the highest level possible of reproducibility in order to allow anyone on the planet to be able to replicate, validate and augment our potential contributions.

This initiative just a pilot program in the current context. To help federate our student body, we call it Hacking Health Covid-19. Since it is just an initiative , it does not provide any credit to students. The good news is: no credit, no pressure. We believe the impact on our communities is a big enough motivation.

At the end of the period, a committee will decide on the 3 best contributions to this initiative. Three teams will be rewarded with an honorific prize.

Once the overall initiative is organized around a website / dashboard accessible to the public, we will consider potential outputs such as this one https://fr.unesco.org/events/hackaton-codethecurve


This Hacking Health Covid-19 has similarities with hackathons and also one main difference: it is similar since it requires a strong involvement on a short period of time to create a viable contribution, and it is also different in the sense that it spans over a 6-week period.The fact that it lasts 6 weeks mean that teams will be able to enter at any point of time. Teams jump in and out when they want during this period.

O Lab team will assemble the different contributions into our overall Hacking Health Covid-19 dashboard. Participants and the public will be able to see the dashboard in construction on our Hacking Health Covid-19’s website.

To participate, students need to form teams of 3 people. In order to cover the whole range from web apps development to statistics and machine learning, we will R. Coding knowledge in R is thus advisable. Now, team members can have different level. Teams will have access to online peer learning sessions on our communication platform and on our virtual campus. They will be able to train themselves on the fundamentals of R.


We are starting to see a lot of online initiatives about Covid-19, and notably about data visualizations. Even if they are numerous, they tend to be very close to each other. And although visualizations are important for our own dashboard, we can augment them with some data science perspectives, for instance in terms of sentiment analysis, or predictive modelling.

An exemple of great visualizations is https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus-data.

Our main objective is to provide a scientific perspective to the world conversation and to open up our contribution so that other people can leverage it.

By providing a scientific perspective, we mean to propose contributions that can be validated by others, and shedding a slightly different light to the pandemic. A Github repo has been created to host the code and serves also as a data warehouse, which can be found here.


Community Values & Honor Code

Community Values

It Is Essential to Foster a Supportive Online Learning Environment.

We believe it is essential for all participants to exemplify and uphold the Quantum Studio Community Values in order to foster a supportive online learning environment where individuals can have open discussion, reflect on their thinking, and learn from each other.

The mission is to educate leaders who make a difference in the world. Achieving this mission requires an environment of trust and mutual respect, free expression and inquiry, and a commitment to truth, excellence, and lifelong learning.

Students, program participants, faculty, staff, and alumni accept these principles when they join the Quantum Studio community. In doing so, they agree to abide by the following Community Values:

Our course can and should be a living model of these values. To this end, community members have a personal responsibility to integrate these values into every aspect of their experience.

Through our personal commitment to these values, we can create an environment in which all can achieve their full potential.

our Honor Code

A Commitment of Honor, Honesty, and Stewardship.

Honor Code supplements the statement of Community Values and reflects the commitment participants make as members of the learning community to participate in, foster, and uphold our Learning Model.

By participating in our course or program, you agree to:

Failure to abide by our Values or our Honor Code may result in removal from our program and/or from the Quantum Studio framework.