Session 4

Hans Rosling

Hans Rosling Ted 2006

Google Charts


At the end of this session, you should be able to:

  1. get help on the R syntax
  2. find the working directory
  3. assign data
  4. familiarize yourself with R data types
  5. use math functions
  6. install packages and use libraries
  7. clean your Rstudio environment
  8. import and export files



  • 4.1 R Basics
  • 4.2 Data Importation
  • 4.3 Data Exportation


R Basics

Create a dataframe

Logical Operators

Logical operators Meaning
< less than
> great than
<= less than or equal
>= greater than or equal
== equal to
!= not equal to
| entry wise or
|| or
! not
& entry wise and
&& and
xor(a,b) exclusive or

Packages and Libraries

List and remove variables

Data Importation

Data Exportation

My next guest needs no introduction