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Regression analysis

Quadratic effects

A linear regression model was fit to predict how much money a customer would spend at an online retailer (in CAN$) based on the amount of time they were browsing the website (ranging between 1 and 100 minutes) along with the quadratic term for time. The coefficients table from the R output is:

Estimate SE t-value Pr(>|t|)
Intercept 6.902146 0.900384 7.666 9.41e-14 ***
time 1.598175 0.122716 13.023 <2e-16 ***
I(time^2) -0.008558 0.002852 -3.001 0.00282 **

Binary & categorical independent variables

The main selling price of a sample of condos in Montreal was calculated to be $740,000 while the mean selling price of single family homes was calculated to the $975,000. If a regression mode was fit to predict selling price of a home based on a binary predictor for whether it was a condo ( x = 1 represents the condominium group).


A regression model was fit to predict selling price of condos and single family homes in Montreal from \(x_1 = house~size\), \(x_2 =\) a binary independent variable for whether a home is a single family home (\(x_2 = 1\) for single family homes) and the interaction between the two. the estimated regression model is given below:

\[\hat y = 428 + 0.286 x_1 + 104 x_2 - 0.140 (x_1 \times x_2)\]

The regression model from the previous part is repeated here: to predict selling price of condominiums and single-family homes in Cambridge from x1 = house size, x2 = a binary predictor for whether a home is a single family home (x2 = 1 for single family homes), and the interaction between the two. The estimated regression model is given below:

\[\hat y = 428 + 0.286 x_1 + 104 x_2 - 0.140(x_1 \times x_2)\]

Comparing models

Two regression models are to be considered:

Model 1: \(y = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1\)

Model 2: \(y = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + \beta_2 x_2 + \beta_3 x_3\)

Two regression models are to be considered:

Model 1: \(y = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1\)

Model 2: \(y = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_2 + \beta_2 x_3\)

Automatic Model Selection

Model diagnostics

You’d like to determine whether the normal distribution assumption is reasonable for a simple linear regression model.

Let us fit a linear regression:

re = read.csv("Real_Estate_Sample.csv")
lm1 = lm(Price ~ year, data=re)

The following histogram was produced after fitting the previous simple linear regression:

re = read.csv("Real_Estate_Sample.csv")
lm1 = lm(Price ~ year, data=re)

The following boxplot was produced after fitting a simple linear regression of Y on X:


The following residual-versus-predicted scatterplot was produced after fitting a simple linear regression of Y on X:


Panel data and other advanced techniques