Element of evaluation
- Participation [10%]. “Meet the press” style discussions as an introduction of every session (15 minutes, print the editorials of the main newspapers and bring them in class)
- “Meet the press” paper (individual) [10%].They consist in short journalistic articles (600 words each). You will pick-up a topic of your choice from our “Meet the press” discussions. See the course website for the schedule.
- Group presentation Total: [10%] on a European country of your choice. Presentations must last 20 minutes and open the floor to 10-15 minutes for questions).
- Homework [10%]. prepare you for the second midterm (graphs, definitions, essays, MCQs)
- 2 Midterms [30%]. The first one will be on the economic history of Europe, and the second one will be on the models
- Final exam (sessions 1 à 13) [30%] (during the final exam period)
Mid-term exam: (date), (time)
Final exam: (date), (time)
question? ## Organisation des sessions et travaux à remettre
Introduction to the session
Presentations by the professeure
“Meet the press” paper