
course code.H2022 HEC Montréal

Thierry Warin https://warin.ca/aboutme.html (HEC Montréal and CIRANO (Canada))https://www.hec.ca/en/profs/thierry.warin.html


Element of evaluation

  1. Participation [10%]. “Meet the press” style discussions as an introduction of every session (15 minutes, print the editorials of the main newspapers and bring them in class)
  2. “Meet the press” paper (individual) [10%].They consist in short journalistic articles (600 words each). You will pick-up a topic of your choice from our “Meet the press” discussions. See the course website for the schedule.
  3. Group presentation Total: [10%] on a European country of your choice. Presentations must last 20 minutes and open the floor to 10-15 minutes for questions).
  4. Homework [10%]. prepare you for the second midterm (graphs, definitions, essays, MCQs)
  5. 2 Midterms [30%]. The first one will be on the economic history of Europe, and the second one will be on the models
  6. Final exam (sessions 1 à 13) [30%] (during the final exam period)

Mid-term exam: (date), (time)

Final exam: (date), (time)

question? ## Organisation des sessions et travaux à remettre

Introduction to the session

Presentations by the professeure

“Meet the press” paper