Geo Spatial Data Science with R and QGIS

The first part of this book introduces the foundational concepts of geo spatial data science, including maps, projections, vector and raster data structures, software tools, attributes, and data cubes. In this section, both QGIS and R are used primarily to generate text output and figures.

Some of the code sections, such as those in the data cube section, contain code written to generate figures with R and QGIS that may not be directly relevant to the core subject matter of the book. However, the code sections that are relevant to data analysis are designed to be easy to follow, even for those with a basic understanding of R and QGIS, similar to the level provided in resources like R for Data Science (r4ds?) and QGIS Documentation.

A more detailed explanation of R and QGIS code for solving spatial data science problems begins in the second part of Geo Spatial Data Science with QGIS and R. The section on R basics provides a brief, introductory explanation of R data structures, while the advanced R section offers a more comprehensive treatment of these topics. Similarly, QGIS is introduced with foundational concepts early on, with more complex applications and analyses covered in later sections.