
view my conference presentations, seminars and the conferences and seminars I have organized

Conference Presentations

  • Warin, T. (2024). Science des données et recherche scientifique. Universidade Federal Da Bahai. Faculdade de Ciencias Contabeis September 30.
  • De Marcellis-Warin, N., Pilato, V., Warin, Th. (2024). RAG Models. AIB Canada. Calgary. September.
  • Warin, T. (2024). Navigating Uncertainty: Leveraging AI for Predictive Modeling in Multimodal Transportation and Economic Flows, G7 Transport Academic Workshop, G7 Italia 2024, representing Canada with Christian Dea, Transport Canada’s Chief Economist.
  • Warin, T. (2024). Co-author of the Yaoundé Declaration on Artificial Intelligence and Media in Africa: « Journalisme et IA : Information, désinformation, manipulation », panel animated by Jean Emmanuel Pondi, vice-chancellor of the Université des TIC du Cameroun, with Vincent Roux-France, editor-in-chief of France 24 magazines, and Constant Nemale-Pouani, president of Africa 24, Union Africaine de Radiodiffusion (UAR) and UNESCO Summit, March 4-6, Yaoundé, Cameroon.
  • Warin, T., d’Anglade, PM, de Marcellis, N. (2024). Balancing Speed and Stability: A Digital Twin-Driven Efficiency Frontier Approach in Pulp and Paper Industry Operations, 4th IFSA Winter Conference on Automation, Robotics and Communications for Industry 4.0/5.0 (ARCI), Feb. 6-9, Innsbruck, Austria.
  • Warin, T. (2024). Slowbalization vs. Newbalization: Understanding the Changing Global Landscape, Panel organizer, American Economic Association Annual Conference (ASSA 2024), January, San Antonio, TX, USA.
  • Warin, T. (2024). WTO: An NLP Analysis of the State of Trade Multilateralism, Machine Learning in International Trade and Finance Session, American Economic Association Annual Conference (ASSA 2024), San Antonio, TX, USA.
  • Warin, T., Schneider, J., Siddika, M.B., Kone, A. (2024). Saint Lawrence-Great Lakes Data Hub: A Digital Twin for the 3rd Economic Region of the World, CIRANO’s Annual Conference on Data Science for Saint Lawrence-Great Lakes: Innovation and Collaboration, March 21, Montreal, Canada.
  • Warin, T., Schneider, J. (2024). Cartographie sectorielle de l’économie de la région du Saint Laurent et des Grands Lacs et mise en évidence des avantages comparatifs du Québec, Conference “Valorization and Sharing of Data to Serve Value Chains in the Saint-Laurent – Great Lakes Trade Corridor,” 91st Acfas Congress, May 13-17, University of Ottawa, Canada.
  • Warin, T. (2024). Environment and Central Banks, Conference RFICS - La Science pour le politique: état des recherches sur le conseil scientifique, 91st Acfas Congress, May 13-17, University of Ottawa, Canada.
  • Stojkov, A., Warin, T. (2024). Natural Language Processing of International Organizations’ Commitment to Sustainable Development Goals, International Trade and Finance Association Annual Conference, May 29-31, University Mohammed VI Polytechnic, Rabat, Morocco.
  • Houssaini, I. K., Warin, T. (2024). Blockchain Implementation in the Global Automotive Industry: Transforming Value Chains and Supply Systems, International Trade and Finance Association Annual Conference, May 29-31, University Mohammed VI Polytechnic, Rabat, Morocco.
  • L’Homme, C., Warin, T. (2024). Foreign Direct Investments and Political Risks: A Natural Language Processing Analysis of Political Party Manifestos, International Trade and Finance Association Annual Conference, May 29-31, University Mohammed VI Polytechnic, Rabat, Morocco.
  • Warin, T. (2024). “Decoding Monetary Policy Trajectories: A Predictive Analysis of Central Bank Speeches Using GPT-4,” Western Economic Association International, 99th Conference, July 1-3, Seattle, USA.
  • Warin, T. (2024). What Future for Web 3.0? (Quel avenir pour le web 3.0?), HEC Forecast, Feb. 13, Montreal, Canada.
  • Warin, T., Mackintosh, S. (2023). America’s Industrial Policy and the Green Transition: A Paradigm Shift Underway?, AIB Canada, Nov. 17, Montreal, Canada.
  • Warin, T. (2023). L’IA au service de la veille stratégique: tendances et perspectives, Journée annuelle 2023 RSVP, ENAP, Oct. 18, Quebec, Canada.
  • Warin, T. (2023). A New Industrial Policy at a Time of a New Industrial Revolution, Africa Economic Symposium, Policy Center for the New South, Sept. 22, Rabat, Morocco.
  • Warin, T. (2023). Comment améliorer la performance en sport avec l’utilisation de l’IA, 87ème Rencontre du Club Sport & Management, Sept. 22.
  • Warin, Th. (2023) “Le conseil scientifique pour des villes et communautés durables”, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (Québec, Canada), March 24
  • Warin, Th. (2023) “Analysis of the Rhumadata Clinical Database Using a Data Science Approach”, Canadian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting (Québec, Canada), February 10
  • Stojkov, A., Warin, Th. (2023) “Global Supply Chains and Gravity Models: How Data Science May Help Use Time over Distance”, Cooperations and enlargement: Two challenges to be addresses in the European projects?, American Economic Association, New Orleans, USA, January 6
  • de Marcellis-Warin, N., Warin, Th. (2022) “Risk Perception, Social Media and Covid-19 in Quebec”
  • Stojkov, A., Warin, Th. (2022) “Gravity model with real-time data: Time over distance”, Cooperations and enlargement: Two challenges to be addresses in the European projects?, September 22nd-24rd 2022 in Ohrid (Macedonia)
  • Warin, Th. (2022) “Metaverso / The Metaverse”, Faculdade Cairu (Brazil), Inaugural Conference, July 28
  • de Marcellis-Warin N., Kouloukoui D., da Silva Gomes S. M., and Warin Th. (2022) “Mapping Global Conversations on Twitter about ESG Through Natural Language Processing.”, International Trade and Finance Annual Online Conference, May 26-27
  • Stojkov, A. and Warin, Th. (2022) “Reinventing the Gravity Model with Real-Time Data: Time Matters More Than Distance?”, International Trade and Finance Annual Online Conference, May 26-27
  • Warin, Th. (2022) “Multinationales numériques et économie des plateformes: de l’innovation de rupture à l’innovation de collision”, Time World - World Congress on Artificial Intelligence, University of Montreal, May 5-7
  • Warin, Th. (2022) “Text-as-Data and NLP for Global Innovation Dynamics”, American Economic Association Annual Meeting, online, USA, January 7
  • Stojkov, A. , Warin, Th. (2022) “European Central Bank’ Speeches: An NLP Perspective”, American Economic Association Annual Meeting, online, USA, January 7
  • de Marcellis-Warin, N., Warin, Th. (2021) “Risk Perception, Social Media and Social Trust of AI”, Society for Risk Analysis, December 9
  • de Marcellis-Warin, N., Warin, Th. (2021) “Twitter Analysis of Vaccination in a Post COVID-19 Era”, Society for Risk Analysis, December 8
  • Warin Th. (2021), “Analyse des données non structurées pour aider à la prise de décision” CIRANO, November 12 here
  • Marty F., Warin Th. (2021), “Visa Acquiring Plaid: A Tartan over a Killer Acquisition? Reflections on the risks of harming competition through the acquisition of startups within digital ecosystems” ASCOLA July 1-3 here
  • Warin, Th. (2021) “Indicateurs macroéconomiques de l’innovation” Forum ADRIQ, CIRANO et Conseil de l’innovation du Québec June 17
  • Warin, Th. (2021) “Machine Learning for International Trade and Finance: A Metada-Based Systematic Literature Review” International Trade and Finance annual Online Conference, May 28, Presidential Address here
  • Stojkov, A. and Warin, Th. (2021) “Determinants of European Current Accounts: First Principles vs. Data-Driven Models” International Trade and Finance Annual Online Conference, May 28.
  • Warin, Th. (2021) “Metadata-Based Systematic Review: Mapping Knowledge Structures of the Marine Shipping Field” SSHRC Workshop May 18. Partnership Development Grant for the project entitled “Canadian Northern Corridor Research Program”
  • Leroi, M. Warin, Th., (2021) “COVID-19 Immunization: A Structural Topic Modelling Study of Twitter Conversations,” ACFAS, U. of Sherbrooke (Canada), May 5, [here]
  • Warin, Th, (2021), “Health 4.0: Data Science for Global Public Health”, Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health, April 5, [Here]
  • Royer, A, De Marcellis-Warin, N., Peignier, I., Warin, Th, (2021), “La révolution numérique appliquée à l’agriculture au Québec », Événement CIRANO 4POINT0 - Table ronde virtuelle : La transformation numérique dans les secteurs de la finance, de l’agriculture, de la construction, de l’aérospatial et de la mobilité intégrée, February 16.
  • Royer, A, De Marcellis-Warin, N., Peignier, I., Warin, Th, (2021), “Les données dans le secteur agricole – Perceptions, enjeux, défis et opportunité”, Événement OBVIA FORUM IA MAPAQ - Données Numériques dans le secteur bioalimentaire au Québec, January 27.
  • Marty F. and Warin Th. (2021) “Plateformes numériques, algorithmes et éthique : une illustration par les enjeux liés aux ententes algorithmiques” Journée d’étude sur l’éthique des algorithmes (CRÉ-OBVIA) Montréal, 12 février.
  • “Algorithmes de prix et signaux collusifs : quel traitement concurrentiel?” (with Marty, F.), DL4T, Nice (France), December 15, 2020
  • de Marcellis-Warin, N., Marty, F. and Thelisson, E., Warin, Th. 2020 “Artificial Intelligence and Market Manipulations: Ex-ante Evaluation in the Regulator’s Arsenal”{target=“_blank”, DL4T, Nice (France), December 7
  • “Data Science and Strategic Complexity” (with Bisson, C.), IEEE International Conference on Technology Management, Operations and Decisions, Marrakech (Morocco), November 25-27, 2020
  • Bengoa Calvo, M., Warin, Th., (2020) “Regional Migration in China: A Machine Learning Approach to the Hukou System”, Internation Trade and Finance Association’s seminar series, November 19, [video]
  • “An NLP Perspective on the Refugee Crisis in Europe: The (Weak) Connection Between Political Media and Twitter Activity” (with Stojkov, A.), International Trade and Finance Association’s seminar series, October 22, 2020
  • “Risk Perception and Preventive Behaviors in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic: An NLP Perspective on Twitter Conversations” (with de Marcellis-Warin, N.), 2020-2021 Seminar in Occupational and Environmental Health Research, Harvard T. C. Chan School of Public Health, Boston (USA), October 9, 2020
  • “Artificial Intelligence, Law and Ethics” (with Marty, F.), Congresso Internacional de Direito e Inteligência Artificial Belo-Horizonte (Brazil), July 2-3, 2020 [Youtube]
  • “Keystone Players and the Question of Innovation in Digital Ecosystems: Challenges for Competition Policy” (with Marty, F.), 15th ASCOLA Conference Porto (Portugal), June 25-27, 2020 [Working Paper]
  • The Role of Algorithmic High-Frequency Signaling in Collusion” (with Marty, F.), ADEPAR Associação Paranaense de Direito e Economia, Parana, Brazil, June 18, 2020 [Youtube]
  • “Algorithmic collusion and price signaling” (with Marty, F.), ADEPAR Associação Paranaense de Direito e Economia, Parana, Brazil, June 18, 2020 [Youtube]
  • “Keystone Players and the Question of Innovation in Digital Ecosystems: Challenges for Competition Policy” (with Marty, F.), ASCOLA, Porto, Portugal, June 25-27, 2020 [Working Paper]
  • “Health Outcomes in China for the Hukou Migrants: How Algorithms May Inform Public Policymakers” (with Bengoa, M.), American Economic Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA, January 3-5, 2020
  • “Augmented Intelligence in Higher-Education Institutions: What to Hope for?”, Development Bank of Minas Gerais, Keynote speaker, Belo-Horizonte (Brazil), October 30, 2019
  • “2008, Populism and Brexit: Governing the Euro Area through the Recent Global Crises - Some Data Science Case Studies”, The Euro at 20: Past, Present and Future, Panel with Professor Vivien Schmidt and Professor Harold James, Middlebury College, October 25, 2019
  • “When Does the Mundellian Trilemma Bind? Corner Solutions vs. Middle-Ground Policies” (with Stojkov, A., Stojmenovska, I.), International Trade & Finance Association, Livorno, Italy, May 29 - June 1, 2019 [Presentation]
  • “Sick Days in China: How Machine Learning Can Inform Public Health Policies” (with Bengoa, M.), International Trade & Finance Association, Livorno, Italy, May 29 - June 1, 2019
  • “Plenary Session: Round Table Discussion on the Future of the EU”, International Trade & Finance Association, Livorno, Italy, May 29 - June 1, 2019
  • “Hukou System, Access to Health Services and Health Outcomes: A Machine Learning Approach Applied to Rural-Urban Migration in China” (with Bengoa, M.), American Economic Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, USA, January 3-6, 2019
  • “New Tools, New World, New Thinking: The Data Science Revolution”, ATR, Keihanna Research Project, December 11, 2018, Kansai Science City, Japan
  • “New Tools, New World, New Thinking: The Fackmap Project” (with A. Backus and de Marcellis, N.), ATR, Keihanna Research Project, December 11, 2018, Kansai Science City, Japan.
  • “Data Science and Global Transformations: New Geography, New Distances, and New Technologies”, CIRANO, November 13, 2018, Montreal, Canada.
  • “Fintech et Science des données : les robots conseillers ne manquent pas d’R” (with Daigle, P.), R à Montréal, July 5, 2018, Montreal, Canada.
  • “Cartographie en R des publications scientifiques sur le gaz de schiste : perspectives pour la santé et l’environnement” (with Mondin, C., de Marcellis-Warin, N. and Backus, A.), R à Montréal, July 5, 2018, Montreal, Canada.
  • “Populisme et R: Analyse textuelle des manifestes politiques écrits en différentes langues” (with Sanger, W.), R à Montréal, July 5, 2018, Montreal, Canada.
  • “Dynamique mondiale de la révolution industrielle 4.0: une cartographie mondiale basée sur R des brevets en intelligence artificielle” (with Le Duc, R. and Sanger, W.), R à Montréal, July 5, 2018, Montreal, Canada.
  • “Data Science and Global Transformations: New Geography, New Distances, and New Technologies”, International Economic Forum of the Americas, Montreal, Canada, June 11-14, 2018
  • “Foreign Direct Investment Within Europe: The Global Financial Cycle Against the European Integration?” (with Stojkov, A.), International Trade & Finance Association, Beijing, China, May 22-25, 2018
  • “Social Data Science”, International Trade & Finance Association, Beijing, China, May 22-25, 2018
  • “Sciences des données et Sciences sociales : regards croisés”, 86e Congrès de l’ACFAS, Chicoutimi, May 7-9, 2018
  • “Populisme et intégration européenne : une analyse de Science des données des doctrines de partis politiques” (with Sanger, W.), ACFAS, Chicoutimi (Qc, Canada), May 7-9, 2018
  • “Une visualisation des données des publications qui traitent des impacts du gaz de schiste sur la santé et l’environnement aux Etats-Unis” (with Backus, A., de Marcellis, N., and Mondin, C.), ACFAS, Chicoutimi (Qc, Canada), May 7-9, 2018
  • “Brevets pharmaceutiques en Chine : une perspective de Science des données” (with Vorreuther, C.), ACFAS, Chicoutimi (Qc, Canada), May 7-9, 2018
  • “Une cartographie des brevets en intelligence artificielle” (with Le Duc, R., and Sanger, W.), ACFAS, Chicoutimi (Qc, Canada), May 7-9, 2018
  • “Fintech et analyse des données : les robots conseillers” (with Daigle, P.), ACFAS, Chicoutimi (Qc, Canada), May 7-9, 2018
  • “Transformations globales et nouveaux risques” (with de Marcellis, N., Le Duc, R., Sanger, W.), Banque de la République d’Haïti, Port-au-Prince, May 3, 2018
  • “EU Membership and FDI: Is There an Endogenous Credibility Effect?” (with Stojkov, A.), 7th Annual Research Conference, National Central Bank of Macedonia, Orhid, Macedonia, April 12-13, 2018
  • “FDI Flows in Europe: Endogeneity and Credibility” (with Stojkov, A.), American Economic Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA, January 4-6, 2018
  • “The 2015 Canadian Election on Twitter: A Tidy Algorithmic Analysis” (with Sanger, W.), International Conference Computer Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI), December 2017
  • “Mapping Innovations in Artificial Intelligence Through Patents: A Social Data Science Perspective” (with Le Duc R.; Sanger W.), International Conference Computer Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI), Decembre 2017
  • “How is Artificial Intelligence Perceived on Social Networks?” (with R. Le Duc, C. Mondin, W. Sanger), Forum IA Responsable, Montreal, Canada, November 2-3, 2017
  • “L’Observatoire de la Francophonie économique : un nouvel outil de développement pour l’espace francophone”, International Economic Forum of the Americas, Montreal, Canada, June 11-14, 2017
  • “FDI in Europe: Is There a Euro Effect?” (with Stojkov, A.),CIRANO (Montreal) June 5, 2017
  • “FDI in Europe: Is There a Euro Effect?” (with Stojkov, A.), International Trade & Finance Association, Poznan, Poland, May-June 2017
  • “Technical Barriers to Trade” (with Farnia, F.; de Marcellis-Warin, N.), International Trade & Finance Association, Poznan, Poland, May-June 2017
  • “Annonces de politiques monétaires: allier R et recherche reproductible pour une analyse linguistique longitudinale des discours des présidents de la Banque centrale européenne” (with Sanger, W.), R à Québec, 26 mai 2017, Québec, Canada.
  • “Technical Barriers to Trade” (with Farnia, F. and de Marcellis-Warin, N.), Canadian Economic Association, Ottawa, Canada, May 2017
  • “Obstacles techniques au commerce avec l’Europe : enjeux et défis” (with Farnia, F. and de Marcellis, N.), 57e congrès du Société canadienne de science économique (SCSE) Ottawa, Canada.
  • “Crise de l’euro et politisation des discours des banquiers centraux européens: une analyse linguistique algorithmique” (with Sanger, W.), ACFAS, 8-12 mai 2017, Montréal, Canada.
  • “Entreprises multinationales et innovation inverse: proposition d’un cadre analytique basé sur la théorie des réseaux” (with Hadengue, M., de Marcellis-Warin, N.), ACFAS, 8-12 mai 2017, Montréal, Canada.
  • “Grappes industrielles et spécialisation en Europe: une perspective d’économie géographique” (with Le Duc, R.), ACFAS, 8-12 mai 2017, Montréal, Canada.
  • “Obstacles techniques au commerce avec l’Europe: enjeux et défis” (with Farnia, F.), ACFAS, 8-12 mai 2017, Montréal, Canada.
  • “Institutions financières et risque systémique: une analyse des réseaux au sein des conseils d’administration” (with Sanger, W.), ACFAS, 8-12 mai 2017, Montréal, Canada.
  • “Competitiveness in an Uncertain World”, Cirano (Montreal), April 4, 2017
  • “Data Science and Cluster-based Policies”, Cirano (Montreal), April 2, 2017
  • “Open Science: www.drhector,org”, EconBiz - ZBW, Berlin, March 20-22, 2017
  • “Reducing Systemic Risk in Europe: Is the ‘Banking Union’ a Big Enough Step?”, Department of Economics, University of Victoria, Victoria BC, Canada, 25 February 2017
  • “Banks’ Foreign Claims Across Europe: An Assessment of the Eurozone Credibility”, University of Victoria, Victoria BC, Canada, 24-26 February 2017
  • “The Creation of New Institutions in Response to the Euro Area Crisis” An International Workshop, University of Victoria, Victoria BC, Canada, 24-26 February 2017
  • “Europa et Brexit: un nouveau conte de la mythologie grecque?”, Cirano (Montreal), February 16, 2017
  • “Explaining the ECB’s Monetary Policy in Press Conferences: A Data Science Perspective” (with Sanger, W.), Workshop on “The New Role of Central Banks”, University of British Columbia, February 2-3, 2017
  • “The Refugee Crisis in Europe on Twitter: A Sentiment Analysis” (with Frieden, Jeffry), American Economic Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, January 6-8, 2017
  • “Banks’ Foreign Claims Across Europe: An Assessment of the Eurozone Credibility”, American Economic Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, January 6-8, 2017 Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Annual Conference (with Backus, Ayn, de Marcellis-Warin, N.), San Diego, December 2016
  • “AECG/CETA: un accord de seconde génération”, Cirano (Montreal), 23 novembre 2016.
  • “Global Trends in Financial Disintermediation”, Foro de Excelencia LLoret [website], Panel with Nobel Prize Professor Eric Maskin, June 8-11, 2016
  • “The Refugee Crisis in Europe: A Perspective in 140 Characters”, GIS Institute, Harvard University, June 6, 2016
  • “Reverse Innovation: A Systematic Literature Review (with Hadengue, M., de Marcellis-Warin, N.)”, Association Francophone du Management International Nice, France, 6-8 juin, 2016
  • “Technical Barriers to Trade: A European Case Study Area” (with Farnia, F., de Marcellis-Warin, N.), International Trade & Finance Association, Occidental College, California, USA, May 22-25, 2016
  • “Credibility of the Euro: Lessons from the European Banks’ Foreign Claims”, National Bank of Macedonia, April 27, 2016
  • “The 2015 Canadian Election: Twitter to Measure the Public’s Reaction during Televised Debates” (with Sanger, W.), Digital Intelligence 2016 / Intelligences numériques, Québec City, April 3-6, 2016
  • “The Refugee Crisis in Europe: Mapping Twitter Conversations”, Center for Geographic Analysis - Spatial Information, Spatial Analysis, and Spatial Thinking (Harvard University), January 15, 2016
  • “Reducing Systemic Risk in Europe: Is the ‘Banking Union’ a Big Enough Step?”, American Economic Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, January 3-5, 2016
  • “Launching a new product in a buzzing world: the Apple Watch’s reputation at risk” (with Digoin, Guillaume, de Marcellis-Warin, N.), Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Annual Conference, “Empires of Risk Analysis: Science, Policy, and Innovation”, Arlington, Virginia, December 6-10, 2015 (Best Poster Prize).
  • “Perceptions of Information Credibility During a Social Media Crisis” (with de Marcellis-Warin, N.; Hosseinali-Mirza V.), Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Annual Conference, “Empires of Risk Analysis: Science, Policy, and Innovation”, Arlington, Virginia, December 6-10, 2015. US-EU Workshop on Clusters, Harvard Business School, November 17-19, 2015
  • “Reverse Innovation: A Systematic Review” (with Hadengue, M.; de Marcellis-Warin, N.), Academy of International Business Southeast Chapter, Savannah, USA, November 13-15, 2015
  • “élections canadiennes et Twitter” (with Sanger, W.), UQAM (Montreal), November 6, 2015
  • “Systemic Risk in Europe: A Political Economy Perspective on the Banking Union”, Halmstad School of Engineering and Business (Sweden), October 15, 2015
  • “Assessing Influence on Social Media: Reputation Risks in Networks” (with de Marcellis-Warin, N., Sanger, W.), Mesquita A., Peres, P., (Ed), Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Social Media, School of Accounting and Administration at the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Porto, Portugal, July 9-10, 2015.
  • “Eco and Safety Labels : Technical Barriers to Trade?” (with de Marcellis-Warin, N., Farnia, F.), Silver Jubilee Conference, International Trade & Finance Association, Sarasota, USA, 17 au 20 may 2015
  • “New European Institutional Framework : Closer to an Optimum Currency Area?” (with Camara, Thibault), Silver Jubilee Conference, International Trade & Finance Association, Sarasota, USA, 17 au 20 may 2015
  • “Recovering Italy : A DSGE Model” (with DELLA POSTA, Pompeo), Silver Jubilee Conference, International Trade & Finance Association , Sarasota, USA, 17 au 20 may 2015
  • “Public Debt Management in South Eastern Europe : The Role of Formal Institutions” (with Maksinivska Aleksandra, Stojkov A.), Split, Croatia, May 2015
  • “NTBs in a South-North Model: The Differences Between Inter-Industry and Intra-Industry Trade” (with Farnia, F.), 55e Congrès annuel de la société canadienne de science économique, Montréal, Québec, 13-15 MAI 2015
  • “Is the Euro Still a Credibility Factor for FDI?” (with Camara, Thibault), 55e Congrès annuel de la Société canadienne de science économique, Montrél, Québec, 13-15 MAI 2015
  • “Too Big to Fall or Too Close to Fail? Corporate Interlocks in the Financial Industry” (with Sanger, W.), 55e Congrès annuel de la Société canadienne de science économique, Montréal, Québec, 13-15 MAI 2015
  • “Risk Perception and Social Media” (with de Marcellis-Warin, N., Hosseinali-Mirza, V.), Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Annual Conference, Denver, USA, 7 au 11 December, 2014
  • “Assessing influence on Twitter: Reputation Risk in Networks (Poster)”(with Sanger, W.., de Marcellis-Warin, N.), Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Annual Conference, Denver, USA,7 au 11 December, 2014
  • “CETA: An Economic Impact Assessment”, McGill Conference on the Canada – EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement Montreal, Canada), October 31-November 1, 2014
  • “Reducing Systemic Risk in Europe: Is the ‘Banking Union’ a Big Enough Step?”, Cirano (Centre interuniversitaire de recherche en analyse des organisations), November 13-14, 2014
  • “EU accession of Macedonia (FYROM): A DSGE model” (with Stojkov, A.), International Atlantic Economic Society, Savannah, USA, 12 au 15 October 2014
  • “From made in China to discover in China: Reverse innovation & reverse technology transfer” (with de Marcellis-Warin, N., Hadengue, M.), International Atlantic Economic Society, Savannah, USA, 12 au 15 October 2014
  • “A DSGE Model to Assess the EU Accession Path : The Case of Macedonia” (with Stojkov, A.), B&ESI, Florence, Italy, 6 au 9 July 2014
  • “Islamic Finance”, panelist on the Economics of Religion Panel, B&ESI, Florence, Italy, 6 au 9 July 2014
  • “Dupont de Nemours and the Origins of the”Laissez Faire, Laissez Passer” Maxim” (with Prasch, R.), History of Economics Society, Montreal, Canada, 20 au 22 Juin 2014
  • “Le Québec : de l’international au régional” (with de Marcellis-Warin, N.), Cirano, Montreal, Canada, June 20, 2014
  • “Un monde en émergence: menaces et opportunités pour le secteur manufacturier québécois” (with Hadengue, M.), Cirano, Montreal, Canada, June 18, 2014
  • “Canada-EU Trade Agreement: Business Opportunities”, Cirano, Montreal, Canada, June 18, 2014
  • “Bull, Bear and the Blue Bird : Using Social Media in Financial Markets” (with Sanger, W.), International Trade & Finance Association, Kayseri, Turkey, 21 au 24 mai 2014
  • “DSGE Model for a European Candidate Country : The Case of Macedonia” (with Stojkov, A.) International Trade & Finance Association, Kayseri, Turkey, 21 au 24 mai 2014
  • “The Endogenous Optimum Currency Area Theory in Light of the Sovereign Debt Crisis in Europe”, University of Göttingen (Germany) Centrum für Europa-, Governance- und Entwicklungsforschung, May 21, 2014
  • “Du Fabriqué en Chine au Découvert en Chine :transfert technologique et innovation inverse. Le cas des pharmaceutiques” (with de Marcellis-Warin, N., Hadengue, M.), Congrès annuel de la Société canadienne de science économique, Ottawa, Canada, 14 mai 2014
  • “Structurer le Big Data: comment les modèles financiers peuvent aider” (with Sanger, W.), ACFAS, Montréal, Québec, 11-16 mai 2014
  • “La valorisation de l’information sur les marchés financiers à partir des données massives non structurées” (with Sanger, W.), ACFAS, Montréal, Québec, 11-16 mai 2014
  • “Corruption et commerce international des déchets” (with BERNARD, Sophie, VERGNE, Guillaume), ACFAS, Montréal, Québec, 11-16 mai 2014
  • “discussant on Igor Oliveira’s privatization, education-induced interethnic cooperation, and investment efficiency” , GRAI, HEC Montréal, Montréal, Québec, 17 Avril 2014
  • “CETA : An Economic Impact Assessment, University of Lausanne, February 21st, 2014
  • “Monetary Policy in Times of Crisis: A US/Europe Comparison”, National Bank of Macedonia, January, 31, 2014
  • “Crisis Management in Times of Social Media” (with de Marcellis-Warin, N.; Hosseinali-Mirza, V.), World Social Science Forum 2013 “Social Transformations and the Digital”Social Transformations and the Digital”, Montreal, Canada, 13 au 15 Octobre, 2013
  • “Financial Crisis, Sovereign Debt Crisis and Systemic Risk: In Search of the Missing Link”, Cirano, Montreal, Canada, October 10, 2013
  • “How individuals use the power of against companies?” (with de Marcellis-Warin, N.; Hosseinali-Mirza, V.), International Trade & Finance Association, Dalhousie University, Halifax,Canada, 14 au 15 Septembre, 2013
  • “Learning-by-doing: Patterns of Specialization and (Un)conditional Convergence” (with Hadengue, M.), Atlas-AFMI, Montréal, Canada, 8 au 9 Juillet 2013
  • “Systemic Risk in the Financial Industry: Mimetism for the Best and for the Worst” (with Prasch, R.), International Trade & Finance Association, Montreal, Canada, May 29-June 1, 2013
  • “Financial Integration in Europe: An Analysis of the South Eastern European Economies” (with Stojkov, A.), International Trade & Finance Association, Montreal, Canada, May 29-June 1, 2013
  • “Patterns of Specialization and (Un)conditional Convergence: The Cases of Brazil, China and India” (with Hadengue, M.) International Trade & Finance Association, Montreal, Canada, May 29-June 1, 2013
  • “Corporate Reputation and Social Media: A Game Theory Approach” (with de Marcellis-Warin, N.; Sanger, W.; Nembot, B.; Hosseinali-Mirza, V.), International Trade & Finance Association, Montreal, Canada, May 29-June 1, 2013
  • “Big data: A State of Art” (with Sanger, W.; Nembot, B.), International Trade & Finance Association, Montreal, Canada, May 29-June 1, 2013
  • “Patterns of Specialization and (Un)conditional Convergence: The Cases of Brazil, China and India” (with Hadengue, M.), Institut Franco-Brésilien d’Administration des Entreprises, Tours, France, May 13-14, 2013
  • “Financial Crisis, Sovereign Debt Crisis and Systemic Risk: In Search of the Missing Link”, National Bank of Macedonia, February 7, 2013
  • “Financial Crisis, Debt Crisis in Europe and Systemic Risk”, HEC Montreal, Canada, January 29, 2013
  • “Corporate Reputation in Times of Social Media: From Scarce Clouds to the Perfect Storm” (with de Marcellis-Warin, N.; Hosseinali-Mirza, V.), Society for Risk Analysis, San Francisco, USA, December 2012
  • “CETA: The New Canada-EU Free-Trade Agreement”, Cirano, Montreal, Canada,October 31, 2012
  • “Learning-by-Doing, patterns of specialization and (Un)conditional Convergence” (with Hadengue, M.), International Atlantic Economic Society, Montreal, Canada, october 5-7, 2012
  • “Mediterranean Union Integration: An Augmented Gravity Model” (with Ghalati, Azam), International Atlantic Economic Society, Montreal, Canada, october 5-7, 2012
  • “Learning-by-Doing, patterns of specialization and (Un)conditional Convergence” (with Hadengue, M.), B&ESI, Salzburg, Austria, July 6-9, 2012
  • “Systemic Risk in the Financial Industry: Mimetism for the Best and for the Worst” (with Prasch, R.), International Trade and Finance Association, Pisa, Italy, May 23-26, 2012
  • “Determinants of the Current Account Deficits of the South Eastern European Countries” (with Stojkov, A.), International Trade and Finance Association, Pisa, Italy, May 23-26, 2012
  • “The U.S. facing a New World”, October 18, 2012, “Austerity in Europe: Will it Save the Euro?”, Middlebury College (Vermont, USA), April 6, 2012
  • “Nanotechnologies au Québec: avantages et risques des stratégies collaboratives” (with de Marcellis-Warin, N.; GARAT, éric), Colloque Nano Québec, Montréal, Canada, March 20-21, 2012
  • “Canada-EU trade agreement” (with Foucault, Martial), University of Montreal, Canada, March 30, 2012
  • “The state of US public finance: federal, state and local dimensions”, Cirano-Cepa-University of Montreal (Chaire d’étude des politiques américaines), Montreal, Canada, March 16, 2012
  • “The future of international trade”, Monterey institute of international studies (California, USA), March 3, 2012
  • “Un Point sur la Macroéconomie d’Haiti”, Université de Quisqueya (Haiti), December 19, 2011
  • “The influence of social media on risk perception and reputation risk” (with de Marcellis-Warin, N.; Hosseinali-Mirza, V.), Proceeding of the Annual Meeting, Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) (USA), Charleston, USA, December 5-7, 2011
  • “Die Zukunft (l’avenir) de l’euro: \(\mu \iota \alpha\) \(\varepsilon \lambda \lambda \eta \nu \iota \kappa \eta\) \(\tau \rho \alpha \gamma \omega\) (a Greek tragedy) ou la commedia dell’ arte?”, Cirano, Montreal, Canada, Nov 30, 2011
  • “Les états-Unis et l’Europe, entre la crise et la reprise: défis financiers et politiques”, Cerium, Montreal, Canada, Nov 16, 2011
  • “European Union-Canada’s forthcoming free trade area: the devil is in the details” (with Stojkov, A.), International Trade and Finance Association, Eilat, Israël, May 29-June1, 2011
  • “Creation of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations: What Lessons from the European Union?” (with Normandin, Alban), International Trade and Finance Association, Eilat, Israël, May 29-June1, 2011
  • “Financial Instability and the re-regulation of financial institutions and markets” (attendee), Ford foundation-Levy Economics Institute, New York, USA, April 12-15, 2011
  • “Re-thinking International Trade: A Conversation with Mr. Stephen Jarislowsky and Mr. Thierry Warin”, Cirano, Montreal, Canada, Jan 12, 2011
  • “Le retour de l’Histoire? Répercussions européennes et internationales de la réunification allemande”, talk: “élargissement de l’Europe et flux migratoires : Avenir et Enjeux”, Goethe Institut (Montréal) / Université de Montréal, September 29-October 1, 2010
  • “Determinants of Interethnic Marriage in China and the One Child Policy” (with Butera, Rachel), International Trade and Finance Association, Las Vegas, USA, May 23-26, 2010
  • “The Drivers of Modern Migration within China and the Hukou System: The Creation of an Underclass?” (with GRANGER, A.), International Trade and Finance Association, Las Vegas, USA, May 23-26, 2010
  • “International Trade of Illicit Drugs: A gravity Model” (with Mommsen, Mike), International Trade and Finance Association, Las Vegas, USA, May 23-26, 2010
  • “The European Integration’s Influence on the Economics Literature”, Corvinus University (Budapest, Hungary), March 18, 2010
  • “European Immigration Flows: Network Effects, Herd Behaviors and European Migration Policy”, Middlebury College (USA), March 5-6, 2010
  • “The development impact of remittances in El Salvador and Ecuador: A Comparative Analysis of Household Surveys” (with Clayton, J. A.), Business and Economics Society International, Nassau, The Bahamas, January 5-9, 2010
  • “A Whale of a Tale: Japan’s role in the International Whaling Commission” (with Donahue, K.), International Studies Association, New York City, USA, February 15-18, 2009
  • “Fiscal Perspectives in Europe: Convergence and Debt Burden”, The tenth anniversary of the Euro, Middlebury College (USA), Middlebury, USA, November 14-15, 2008
  • “Tax Competition and Race to the Bottom: A Reality Check in Europe” (with André Fourçans), Business and Economics Society International, Lugano, Switzerland, July 15-19, 2008
  • “Dupont de Nemours et l’origine de la maxime ’Laissez faire, laissez passer” (with Prasch, R.), Société Canadienne de Science économique, Montebello, Canada, May 14-16, 2008
  • “A Whale of a Tale: Japan’s Official Development Assistance and the IWC” (with Donahue, K.), Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, United States, April 3-6, 2008
  • “Open Source Software Development, Innovation, and Coordination Costs” (with Bonardi, Jean-Philippe), Business and Economics Society International, Juan-les-Pins, France, July 17-21, 2007
  • “European Migration: Welfare or Economic Migration?” (with Svaton, Pavel), International Trade and Finance Association, Miami, USA, May 16-20, 2007
  • “Europe’s Fiscal Policymaking: When European Convergence of Political Views Impact National Fiscal Policies” (with Donahue, K.), Midwest Political Science Association, (Chicago, United States), April 3-6, 2008
  • “Who Has the Power in the EU?”, Harvard University, CES Minda de Gunzburg (USA), December 13, 2006
  • “Tax Competition versus Tax Harmonization in Europe”, Suny Plattsburgh (NY, USA), November 28, 2006
  • “An Empirical Study of Price Dispersion in Homogenous Goods Markets” (with Leiter, D.), Global Conference on Business and Economics, Harvard University, USA, October 14-16, 2006
  • “The Stability and Growth Pact: A European Answer to the Political Budget Cycle?” (with Donahue, K.), Global Conference on Business and Finance, (San Jose, Costa Rica), May 31-June 3, 2006
  • “Endogenous OCA Theory: Using the Gravity Model to Test Mundell’s Intuition” (with H. Janicki & P. Wunnava), Southern Economic Association, (Washington DC, USA), November 18-20, 2005
  • “Fiscal Perspectives in Europe: Convergence and Debt’s Burden”, Harvard University, CES Minda de Gunzburg (USA), April 14, 2005
  • “Fiscal Perspectives in Europe: A Panel Data Analysis”, Canadian Society of Economic Science (45th Congress), (Charlevoix, Québec), May 11-13, 2005
  • “The Stability and Growth Pact: The Structural Impacts”, European Commission, Brussels (Belgium), October 15, 2004
  • “European Fiscal Coordination”, Vesalius College, Free University of Brussels (Belgium), June 12, 2004 to July 16, 2004
  • “Fiscal Policy Rules in a Monetary Union: Incentives and Moral Hazard” (with Fourçans, Andre), International Trade and Finance Association, (San Antonio, USA), May 19-23, 2004
  • “L’exception économique française: entre volonté politique et réalisme économique” (“The French economic exception: between political will and economic realism”), University of Nantes (France), April 7, 2005
  • “The Stability and Growth Pact: A Trojan Horse for Structural Reforms?”, International Atlantic Economic Society, (Québec, Canada), October 16-19, 2003
  • “Open-Source Software Development and Innovation”, MERIT – Maastricht (The Netherlands), June 17, 2003
  • “One Welfare State for Europe: A Costly Utopia?” (with Hennessy, Peter), International Trade and Finance Association, (Vaasa, Finland), May 28-31, 2003
  • “Optimal Tax Harmonization in Europe: A Trojan Horse Strategy” (with Fourçans, Andre), International Trade and Finance Association, (Vaasa, Finland), May 28-31, 2003
  • “Dupont de Nemours and Adam Smith: The Rhetoric of Economic Reforms” (with Prasch, R.), European society for the History of Economic Thought (ESHET), (Paris, France), Jan 30-Feb 1, 2003
  • “Open-source Software Development and Innovation”, Cirano (Montreal, Canada), May 2002
  • “Tax Competition in Europe: A War of Attrition Game” (with Fourçans, Andre), International Atlantic Economic Society, Paris, France, March 12-17, 2002
  • “Tax Harmonization versus Tax Competition: A Game Theoretical Approach” (with Fourçans, Andre), International Trade and Finance Association, Washington DC, USA, May 26-29, 2001
  • “French Natural Catastrophe Scheme: A Game Theoretical Approach” (with de Marcellis-Warin, N.; MICHEL-KERJAN, Erwann), Société Canadienne de Science économique, Québec, Canada, May 16-17, 2001
  • “Tax Harmonization versus Tax Competition: A Game Theoretical Approach” (with Fourçans, Andre), International Atlantic Economic Society, Athens, Greece, May 13-20, 2001
  • “Future Credibility of the European Central Bank”, Middlebury College (USA), January 2001
  • “Fiscal Policy and the Euroland: Do We Need to Handcuff the Policymakers?”(with Fourçans, Andre), International Atlantic Economic Society, Charleston, USA, October 15-18, 2000
  • Four lectures on Game Theory, ISEG, Lisbon University (USTL) (Portugal), May 24-28, 2000
  • “Monetary Union and coordination of fiscal policies: A Signaling Game” (with Fourçans, Andre), International Atlantic Economic Society, Montreal, Canada, October 7-10, 1999
  • “Euroland versus USA: A Theoretical Framework for Monetary Strategies” (with Fourçans, Andre), International Atlantic Economic Society, Montreal, Canada, October 7-10, 1999
  • “Euroland versus USA: A Theoretical Framework for Monetary Strategies” (with Fourçans, Andre), International Trade and Finance Association, Casablanca, Morocco, May 26-30, 1999
  • “Euro-Dollar Exchange Rates: A Game Theoretical Approach”(with Fourçans, Andre), EMU and the Outside World, Zürich, Switzerland, December 10-11, 1998
  • “L’euro : quels sont les enjeux marketing ?”, Forum de l’Agence Régionale de Développement, (Clermont-Ferrand, France), October 8-9, 1998
  • “Game Theory applied to Macroeconomics. Euro and the EMU Partners Reputation”, Third Spanish Meeting on Game Theory, Barcelona, Spain, June 15-17, 1998
  • “Le pacte de stabilité et de croissance sera-t-il crédible? De l’autonomie budgétaire nationale à la règle budgétaire européenne” (with Vranceanu, R.), XVe Journées internationales d’économie monétaire et bancaire, (Toulouse, France), June 4-5, 1998
  • “Crédibilité de la politique de change et UEM: Une explication du différentiel des taux d’intérêt” (with Besancenot, Damien; Vranceanu, R.), XLVIe Congrès annuel de l’AFSE, (Paris, France), September 18-19, 1997
  • “Asymétrie d’Informations et Crédibilité des Banques Centrales”, IIIe Colloque International d’économie Publique, (Brest, France), June 12-13, 1997
  • “Crédibilité des Banques Centrales et UEM”, XIV Journées Internationales du GDR Monnaie, Orléans, France. June 5-6, 1997


  • “Data Science and Global Transformations: New Geography, New Distances, and New Technologies”, Investment Quebec, Montreal, Canada, June 22, 2018
  • Présentation du CIRANO et du Projet Mondo. 9 février 2017.
  • Présentation de Mondo International dans un contexte de grappe industrielle. 29 septembre 2016
  • Complex Financial Institutions And Systemic Risk (discussant), IWFSAS, Montreal, Quebec, September 24-25, 2017
  • Global Economic Symposium (Kiel, Germany), October 12-14, 2015
  • Advisory Workshop, Fintech Montreal, March 23, 2015 and March 30, 2015

Seminar and Conference Organization