AI Summit 2025 | Paris
Polytechnique Montréal | Polyfinances
AEA Meetings San Francisco | Bullet Points for Conversation
Club des Ex-Parlementaires - 9 octobre 2024
Universidade Federal Da Bahai | Faculdade de Ciencias Contabeis
HEC Forecast - 13 février 2024
ARCI - 6-9 February 2024
An online course linking the digital age, data science and statistics.
AEA Meetings San Antonio | Bullet Points for Conversation
AEA Meetings San Antonio
AIB Canada
Journée annuelle 2023 RSVP
Africa Economic Symposium, Policy Center for the New South
87ème Rencontre du Club Sport & Management
IAE Angers
Conférence de l'ISTEAH
Conférence de l'ISTEAH
Conférence HEC Forecast 2023
Canadian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting
Rendez-vous de la gestion a gricole de Lanaudière
[OBVIA] Compétences et formations à l'heure de l'Intelligence artificielle
Nous examinons les nations dans l'environnement mondial. La question clé à laquelle il faut réfléchir est de savoir comment les nations peuvent "gagner" dans un monde globalisé (si elles le peuvent).
We look at nations in the global environment. The key question to think about is how can nations “win” in a globalized world (if they can).
Chaînes de valeur mondiales et chaînes d'approvisionnement mondiales à l'arrêt : Comment la science des données peut-elle aider ?
A multimedia case about the digital transformation of the agriculture industry [French]
EMBA Worldly Mindset AI
The Common Denominator Between Crypto-assets, Crypto-currencies, Web 3.0 and NFTs: The Blokchain
Il est important d’avoir une meilleure connaissance des utilisateurs des cryptomonnaies. Ce projet de recherche exploratoire permettra donc de mieux connaître le niveau d’adoption des cryptomonnaies au Québec et mieux comprendre les motivations pour leur adoption au Québec.
Twitter Analysis of Vaccination in a Post COVID-19 Era for the Society for Risk Analysis Meeting 2021
Twitter Analysis of Vaccination in a Post COVID-19 Era for the Society for Risk Analysis Meeting 2021
Macroeconomics Nowcasting
The agenda-setting power of mainstream media on Twitter is considerable, at least from the perspective of refugee-related conversations in Europe.
Polytechnique Montreal - IND8115
International Campus - HEC Montréal
A Metadata-Based Systematic Review of the Literature
International Trade and Finance 2021 Presidential Address
corridoR package, an algorithmic systematic literature review.
88e Congrès de l'Acfas.
An interview with Valerie Pisano, President and CEO of Mila, Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute.
With global warming, the Northern Corridor passage could become a replacement for the Panama Canal choke point. This study highlights the impact that this change in shipping route could have on global trade.
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
In these trying times, we collected and analysed the tweets on anti and pro vaccination.
In these trying times, we collected and analysed the tweets on anti and pro vaccination.
A multimedia case about the digital transformation of society
A multimedia case about AI and Ethics
Moving beyond today’s GPUs, the ArchiTek Intelligence™ Pixel Engine (aIPE) is pioneering a low-cost, high-performance future for AI solutions.
Un cas multimedia sur les institutions et les accords commerciaux internationaux
iriR’s objective is to provide an easy connection through the R language to the European Commission’s Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard (IRI) while augmenting it in a couple of dimensions.
Machine Learning in Quantitative Finance with Python.
Exploration inédite de l'écosystème de la recherche à L'OBVIA.
A Beginner's Guide
Data Pipeline with R
iriR package provide an easy connection through the R language to the European Commission’s Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard (IRI).
Enjeux mondiaux du point de vue économique et technologique.
Landscape and Challenges of International Business
Seminar "Perspectives croisées sur les enjeux juridiques, économiques, sociétaux et éthiques des algorithmes et de l'intelligence artificielle"
IEEE ICTMOD 2020 Conference
Foundations of Quantitative Analysis for International Business with R
Un cours en ligne reliant l'ère numérique, la science des données et les statistiques.
Cet ouvrage contient des exercices sous forme de questionnaire à choix unique ou multiple et à développement sur la matière vu dans le livre d’Économie Industrielle avec R de Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin et Thierry Warin.
Cet ouvrage porte sur l’étude de l’économie industrielle. Il se veut à destination des premiers et deuxièmes cycles universitaires. Il a - nous pensons - plusieurs originalités, dont une qui est de reposer également sur les dernières techniques de science des données.
From statistics to machine learning use cases in international business
In these trying times, we collected and analysed the tweets on Covid-19 Pandemic.
Global Research on Coronaviruses: An R Package
MBA HEC Montréal - INTE5000
In these trying times, the question, as we understand it now - and at least for the foreseeable future - is how to live with COVID-19, rather than after COVID-19.
The use of AI by online intermediation platforms. Conciliating economic efficiency and ethical issues.
An online course bridging Artificial Intelligence, Industrial Organization with Competition Policy and Ethics.
An Introduction.
Access Bureau of Economic Analysis' statistics through the bea.R API.
MBA HEC Montréal - INTE5000
Access detailed global trade data through the Comtrad API.
Access 670,000 US and international time series through the fredR API.
Access OECD countries and selected non-member economies data through the OECD API.
Access financial and economic data through the Quandl API.
Access financial data through the quantmod API.
Abstract and Appendix.
Abstract and Appendix.
The opening of national economies, the globalization of economies and new technologies with global impact affect all industries. In this context, it is important to conduct an analysis at the industrial level. This involves understanding how industries are structured, how they evolve, how they are affected by new regulations and what new interactions between industrial sectors are taking place.
Random Forest Classification and Regression
Global Research on Coronaviruses: An R Package
Create dashboards using dashR & plotly.
Create an R Markdown document with the flexdashboard output format.
Learn a range of spatial skills, including: reading, writing and manipulating geographic data; making static and interactive maps; applying geocomputation to solve real-world problems; and modeling geographic phenomena.
Mapping a sentiment analysis of UK tweets per population and income for each UK district.
Access bibliographic data on Covid-19 and other medical references through the EpiBibR API.
A Beginner's Guide
Access shapefiles for all countries and their sub-divisions through the shapeR API.
Access a tidy format dataset of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) pandemic outbreak in Italy through the covid19Italy API.
Access a tidy format dataset of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) epidemic through the coronavirus API.
Using the tidyr package to do some data wrangling.
Method for retrieving tweets using the rtweet package.
Access to breaking news headlines and articles from over 30,000 news sources and blogs through the newsAPI API.
To customize the chunk output with chunk options.
Interpretating common error messages.
Shapefiles are a common way to store geospatial data. Learn how to read it with R and the rgdal package, and how to plot it in base R or with ggplot2.
To customize the chunk output with chunk options.
Familiarize yourself with the simple graphical user interface to only drag-and-drop to create graphs.
Make your reproducible research easier by learning to use Zotero with Nüance-R
The process of maintaining a CV can be tedious. With the vitae package, creating and maintaining a Résumé or CV will be simple.
The Covid-19 case
To automatically pull out tables and text from PDFs.
A Beginner's Guide
Flexibly estimate a topic model that includes document-level metadata.
A comprehensive collection of color palettes in R.
How to generate word clouds.
A beginner's guide.
An example of using flexdashboards in R.
Learn how to use a shapefile to create a static map with ggplot2.
A Beginner's Guide
Access data on the COVID-19 in the United States through the covid19us API.
A knowledge hub for data and analysis
A key to European statistics
A collection of development indicators
Quantitative Financial Modelling & Trading Framework for R
Extract value from the world's data
In recent years, science and technology have helped humanity find clarity on what is explainable and what is not yet explainable. Humans developed theories in order to have the predictive ability to see through what is unclear.
An API by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
An API for detailed global trade data.
Nüance-R allows you to work either in R or Python.
An API for the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA).
Access open data on the Social Progress Index and more through the spiR API.
Access Canada's economy, society and environment data through the statcanR API.
A map with colored levels of granularity made using the raster and ggplot2 packages.
Easily create diagrams with R by using DiagrammeR.
Access USDA agricultural data through the rnassqs API.
Access global development data through the WDI API.
Access statistics at European level through the Eurostat API.
Learn to use the Leaflet R package that makes easy to integrate and control interactive maps.
A map with levels of granularity made using the raster package.
Learn how to retrieve data from spiR and produce a visual.
Line charts made with ggplot2.
A custom map made with custom colors using ggplot2.
Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin : Présidente et PDG chez CIRANO et Professeure à l'École Polytechnique de Montréal
Interview of Igor Jablokov, CEO of Pryon.
Thierry Warin, Professor of Data Science for International Business on AI and Ethics
Thierry Warin, Professor of Data Science for International Business on Collusion and Competition Policy
Thierry Warin, Professor of Data Science for International Business on Platform Economy
Thierry Warin, Professor of Data Science for International Business on data and driven platforms
Entretien vidéo asynchrone avec Mr Lucian Cernat, économiste en chef, Commission Européenne.
Learn how to retrieve data from statcanR and produce a visual.
What do people say about AI?
Explore the application of spatial data science to uncover hidden patterns and improve predictive modeling.
spiR: An R Package for the Social Progress Index
When do people tweet about AI?
Data types and structures in R, inputting & outputting data and manipulating data sets.
Based on the methodology of the book "Text Mining with R", you will learn to do text mining on tweets.
In recent years, science and technology have helped humanity find clarity on what is explainable and what is not yet explainable. Humans developed theories in order to have the predictive ability to see through what is unclear.
Familiarize yourself with ifelse and if...else statements. Also use For and While loops to repeat a specific block of code.
Learn to use the Leaflet R package that makes easy to integrate and control interactive maps.
Let's concentrate on using ggplot2 data for maps and creating maps.
Create easy interactive dashboards for R.
Learn how to use the multitude options included in the ggplot2 package such as themes, scales, axes, legends, and facetting.
Learn how to use the ggplot2 package to create visuals in R.
Propensity Score Matching
A beginner guide to install R and Rstudio yourself.
Integrate GitHub into your daily work with R and R Markdown.
Learn the Distill Basics for scientific and technical writing, native to the web.
Splits the data into subsets, computes summary statistics for each, and returns the result in a convenient form.
Use different techniques of combining tables such as mutating join, filtering join and biding.
Learn how to reshape and subset your data.
Learn how to rename, create and delete variables. Also learn how to convert text case, replace or remove specifics characters. Finally, learn how to handle missing values.
Familiarize yourself with the RStudio environment, an integrated development environment using the R programming language as well as Markdown.
Familiarize yourself with the RStudio environment, an integrated development environment using the R programming language as well as Markdown.
Learn about the C-V-A approach: Collect, Visualize, Analyze.
Learn the basics of data manipulation by transforming datasets in order to represent and interpret results.
Create dynamic documents from an initial RMarkdown document.
Learn the basic functions used to produce descriptive statistics of a dataset.
Learn the basic step to produce an econometric analysis with R.
Explore linear regressions in detail by focusing on multiple linear regressions.
Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis with R
PCA regression
Import data from different files type: CSV, Gsheet and Excel.
Learn about the basics in R.
Online appendix containing the robustness checks.
Une nouvelle infrastructure planétaire est en train de se mettre en place. Il s’agit non pas de ports ou d’aéroports mais bien d’une infrastructure technologique d’analyse de données massives. Et la Chine vient d’appuyer sur l’accélérateur.
En quoi les réseaux sociaux changent-ils la dynamique des campagnes électorales ? Comment les partis politiques peuvent-ils en tirer profit ? Les réseaux sociaux sont-ils une menace ou un avantage pour les politiciens ? Et qu’en est-il pour la démocratie ?
Connectivity and closeness among international financial institutions: a network theory perspective
European Central Bank׳s monetary policy decisions: A dataset of two decades of press conferencs
This article investigates how to extract signals from social media (Twitter) concerning political parties during an election.
An Introduction.
Appendix containing the robustness checks.
A network analysis of financial conversations on Twitter
De l’intelligence artificielle aux médias sociaux, la technologie révolutionne tout sur son passage en favorisant l’éclosion des idées et en libérant les énergies. La quatrième révolution industrielle est en marche. Et l’humain, dans tout cela ? Entre possibilités et risques, il doit trouver son nouvel équilibre... et ce, rapidement.
Ce livre s’adresse aux chercheurs, aux gestionnaires et aux décideurs politiques qui s’intéressent au profil commercial du Canada et du Québec avec l’Union européenne à l’heure de l’AÉCG.
In its letter sent to Adam Smith, Pierre-Samuel Dupont de Nemours argues a "pragmatic" approach to be understood rather than a more theoretical approach, less effective in convincing public opinion.
La mondialisation n’a pas rendu le monde plus simple, mais plus complexe. Les entreprises multinationales sont plus nombreuses que jamais. Leurs chaînes de valeur se sont mondialisées, tissant un maillage de relations intra-industries à travers la planète.
Chaque jour, cinq millions de messages circulent sur Twitter. Si l’on considère que la longueur d’un tweet (140 caractères) équivaut au message contenu dans un biscuit chinois, ces gazouillis représenteraient plus de 2 500 tonnes de pâte croustillante. Cette avalanche de mots peut toutefois s’avérer bien moins inoffensive que des prédictions un peu simplistes. À l’heure des médias sociaux, une tempête peut se lever sans crier gare et écorcher au passage ce qu’une entreprise a mis des années à bâtir : sa réputation. Nestlé, PFK et Lassonde en savent quelque chose !
Même si le Québec semble être un petit acteur sur la scène de l'économie mondiale, cela ne veut pas dire que son rôle soit mineur. Riche de ses ressources naturelles, de sa technologie et de son capital humain, le Québec a des atouts indéniables.
Corporate reputation and social media: a game theory approach
The purpose of this paper is to highlight the convergence between Brazil/China/India and the U.S. labor productivity in manufacturing over the past 10 years.
Homogenous goods markets: an empirical study of price dispersion on the internet
Herd behavior is not only present, but is also a major determinant of immigration in the European context. More attention should be directed towards understanding social perception phenomena where immigration is concerned.
The benefits associated with interethnic marriage may suggest that intermarriage has become a rational choice for certain women in Chinese society.
After the 2008 financial crisis, the European Union made some changes to the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP). Will they be sufficient?
This paper provides a challenging view to the tax harmonisation issue. The model proposed here shows that tax competition may lead to stability.
This paper presents an empirical assessment of the endogenous optimum currency area theory. Results suggest that economic convergence ensured by belonging to the common currency area helps double FDI flows.
Chapitre à propos de la dichotomie entre la réalité économique française et sa perception
Règle ou discrétion ? Cette question est au cœur de la théorie moderne des banques centrales. Ce débat, qui prît sa véritable dimension après la parution de la Théorie Générale de J. M. Keynes, a évolué au fil du temps.
Bien souvent le discours public ou le débat politique se cantonnent à des clichés quant aux raisons de la fracture sociale entre la jeunesse et le reste de la population
The paper addresses the question of the determinants of migration flows towards 14 Western European countries that are part of the so-called EU-15.
Presentation of the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP) : the European Union’s (EU) answer to concerns about fiscal unsustainability.
Presentation of the new Stability and Growth Pact (SGP), the European Union’s (EU) answer to concerns about fiscal unsustainability, amended on 20 March 2005.
This paper provides an analysis of the liquidity management of the euro.
Loin des thèses catastrophistes, des simplifications séduisantes mais souvent erronées ou des Cassandre prévoyant la fin de la France, l'auteur dévoile la complexité du modèle français.
This paper addresses the question of the social policy harmonization in the European Union.
This paper investigates the ability of the Stability and Growth Pact to prevent governments in the “euro zone” from running excessive budget deficits.
Le 1er janvier 2002 ne marque pas la fin d'une période, mais bien le début d'une ère nouvelle. Le chef d'entreprise qui pense avoir réussi le passage à l'euro parce que sa société peut continuer à fonctionner dans la nouvelle monnaie est sur la mauvaise route.
This article analyzes the efficiency conditions of a coordination rule and the institutional framework best adapted to this rule.
L'économie industrielle, depuis quelques années, s'est considérablement enrichie grâce aux apports de la microéconomie.
Bien plus qu'un seul problème comptable, l'euro aura des répercussions sur toute l'entreprise.