mes recherches financées
MAPAQ “Artificial Intelligence in the Bio-food Industry: Challenges and Opportunities”, Chercheur principal, 2021-2022, Subvention: $65,400
FORUM IA- PIA “Analyse comparative d’écosystèmes en IA dans le but de repérer les meilleures pratiques en matière de formation et de transfert des connaissances”, co-PI, Subvention: $70,000
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC): Partnership Development Grant for the project entitled “Canadian Northern Corridor Research Program”, PI Jennifer Winter (U. of Calgary), Co-demandeur, 2018-2021, Subvention: $200,000
MFQ-CIRANO “Utilisation des données non structurées pour comprendre les perceptions des faits et leur évolution: l’exemple du discours entourant l’immigration”, co-PI, 2019-2021, Subvention: $51,312
Knowledge Transfer Grant about Mondo, PI, 2019-2021, Subvention: $75,000
MAPAQ “Numerical Transformation of the Agricultural Sector”, PI Annie Royer (Laval U.), 2018-2020, $57,960
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC): 4 POINT 0, PI Catherine Beaudry (Polytechnique Montréal), Collaborateur, 2018-2023, Subvention: $2,100,000
MFQ-MEI-CIRANO “International Data Platform Project” (2014-2015), Subvention: $94,600
BDC-MAECI-MRI-EDC-DEC-QG100: Project on “Quebec’s Economy: International Opportunities and Challenges”, 2013-2015, Subvention: $125,000
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC): Reputation 2.0 – Recommended but not funded, Co-demandeur, 2013-2014
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC): Globalization and Management of Technology, Principal Investigator, 2012-2014, Grant: $70,000
CIRANO “Strategy and International Economy Group,” 2012-2016, Budget: $300,000
MEI-MRI-MFQ: Project on “The Canada-EU trade agreement: an industrial-sector based analysis”, 2010-2012, Subvention: $91,800
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), aid to small universities program, Polytechnique Montreal, Research on (1) “Creation of the ASEAN free-trade area and trade distortion” and (2) “Technology diffusion across the globe” , 2010-2012, Subvention: $15,000
Health Canada “Small and medium enterprises’ networks that best relay public policies,” Co-applicant, 2010-2011, Subvention: $10,000
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC): Institutional grant for the project on “Creation of the ASEAN free-trade area and trade distortion”, Principal Investigator, 2010-2011, Subvention: $7,000
Institut de recherche R.-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail (IRSST): Project on “International Risk Management of Hazardous Material Transportation”, co-applicant, 2009-2011, Subvention: $45,000
Health Canada “Economic analysis of industrial sectors using hazardous materials,” co-applicant, 2008-2010, Subvention: $65,000
Missions internationales : UK, Japon, Chine, France, Suisse, Israel, Afrique du Sud, USA, Allemagne, Espagne, Russie, Autriche, etc. J’ai eu la chance de pouvoir effectuer quelques missions industrielles à travers quelques clusters/écosystèmes dans différents pays. Dans toutes ces missions, j’ai été intrigué par l’homéostasie de ces systèmes, l’impact de la révolution des données sur eux, et le rôle de la triple hélice dans chacun d’eux.
Banque centrale d’Haïti (2018) C’était un grand honneur de présenter la révolution des données et le nouvel équilibre géopolitique à prévoir.
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB): “Macroeconomic Scenarios for Haiti”, Project related to the implementation of a universal education system in Haiti, time spent in Port-au-Prince , 2010 I spent time in Haïti right after the terrible earthquake of 2010 doing a mandate for the BID and the Haïtian government, which were willing to put together a new plan for education. Back home in the US that summer, I decided to create
World Bank: Project on capacity building for public finances assessment in the FY Republic of Macedonia (time spent in Skopje), 2009 The mission was to put together a system/protocol in the finance ministry to build capacity.
European Commission – ECFIN DG (Brussels, Belgium): Invited fellow in the Visiting Fellows Programme (grant) , October 9-17, 2005 I worked on analysing the potential options for a new Stability and Growth Pact.
Mellon Foundation Grant - Middlebury College (USA): Summer research in Lugano (Switzerland) (2008); Summer research in Brussels (Belgium) Research grants (FPDF+Misc), (FRAF), (UCRF), 2001-2010