
regardez les cours que j’enseigne

[Msc] Quantitative Methods in International Business Research with R

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This course approaches quantitative methods in business research from a Data Science perspective. We explain the intuition behind a method, we discuss how researchers apply that method to understand real life problems, and we get our hands dirty by replicating using the following Data Science pipeline: Markdown, R, Git, Zotero, etc. You will play with supervised and unsupervised machine learning models.

[MSc] Landscape and Challenges of International Business with Tableau

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In this course, students have a free access to the Tableau software suite. This course presents an integrated overview of international business environment and its related issues. Although you will deepen and leverage your already existing general knowledge about the world, this course will always come back to the reasons why it matters to know the global risks for a company. At the end of the day, being a business manager means being able to take risks, and being a successful manager means being equipped with the right knowledge and analytical tools to manage risks.

[MSc] Gestion des investissements internationaux avec Python

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La gestion des investissements internationaux se distingue de la gestion des investissements dans un cadre purement national par la présence de nouvelles variables, en particulier le risque de change et le risque politique. C’est la raison pour laquelle la première partie du cours sera consacrée à la description de l’environnement financier international et des marchés financiers internationaux. Les entreprises opérant à l’étranger sont aussi confrontées à de nouvelles cultures, à des systèmes légaux différents et à des environnements économiques et financiers en évolution constante. C’est la raison pour laquelle dans le cadre de ce cours nous examinerons aussi comment l’environnement culturel, les mécanismes degouvernance d’entreprise, les systèmes légaux et la protection des droits des actionnaires ainsi que lesmesures de libéralisation varient à travers le monde et affectent les décisions financières des entreprises opérant dans un contexte international.

[Campus abroad] Campus US - East coast

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Campus abroad 2022 with HEC Montreal. Go to the US East Coast visit New-York and Washington D.C.

[MSc] Economics of the European Union

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Many attempts to create Europe have existed through times, but the one that started in 1957 is very unique in its style: it follows a democratic process. The increase in countries’ exchanges, the need for peace, the need to increase productivity push policymakers to think about a new definition of nations. This course seeks to explain the rationale of the European economic integration. We will do that from an economic perspective, but we will also spend time on the institutional (political) consequences, following a political economy tradition. Europe is certainly an economic integration, but policies are the means used to achieve those economic goals.

[MSc] Financial Modeling

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In this course, we will study a thorough introduction to finance. We will start with some concepts of corporate finance, we will then study market finance. We will present the principles of portfolio optimization, the benefits of diversification, the Markowitz frontier, and the improvements coming from Sharpe and the subsequent models. After this in-depth perspective, we will present derivatives and other structured financial products. We will introduce the principles of option pricing. We will study the assumptions behind the models, and will also learn what the weaknesses maybe. We will discuss possible answers as well as the future of finance in emerging markets.

[MSc] Macroeconomics

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In the midst of the 2008 financial crisis, Macroeconomic fundamentals were again understood to be critical for the future of countries. In this course, we will get a thorough presentation of the macroeconomic tools that help understand the dynamics of countries. We will also consider the real world and its complexity. We will focus on new forces like globalization, the rise of emerging countries like China, the questions of outsourcing and offshoring, international trade and the question of comparative advantages. In the wake of the 21st century, it is particularly interesting and important to understand the foundations of the future of the world economy.

[MSc & MBA] From Digital Transformation to Digital Revolution of Firms: Getting Your Hands Dirty

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The objective of the course is to stimulate the students’ interest and understanding of the digital transformation of firms. Firms are contemplating an incredible pace of change in the technologies they use. This is totally new. In the past decade, firms have seen the acceleration of cloud computing, the discoveries of new machine learning techniques and access to massive amounts of data as well as new data (unstructured data).

[MBA] Contexte et enjeux de l’entreprise

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Ce cours présente aux étudiants une vision de l’environnement global des entreprises, y compris les dimensions sociales, politiques, culturelles et technologiques. Le cours intègre ensuite l’entreprise pour discuter de l’impact de la mondialisation sur les décisions internationales de l’entreprise.

Ce cours offre une vue d’ensemble de l’environnement dans lequel l’entreprise évolue, tant du point de vue local que mondial. Le contexte englobe les éléments et acteurs qui peuvent avoir une incidence sur la performance de l’entreprise et qu’un gestionnaire doit prendre en compte pour ses décisions. L’accent sera mis sur les dimensions sociétale, politique, culturelle, technologique du contexte d’affaires et aussi sur l’impact de la mondialisation sur les décisions de l’entreprise. La perspective du cours se veut analytique. Les participants seront exposés à l’environnement complexe des affaires et seront invités à rechercher des solutions pour l’entreprise.

[MBA-MSc] Futures & Foresight

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This seminar is about developing scenarios to construct a data-driven understanding of the future. As a manager in a company, it is important to be able to measure the different categories of risk: political, economic, environmental, technological, etc.

In this seminar, we will think in terms of proxies to be able to have a quantitative approach to these global risks.

[BAA] Science des données et affaires internationales with R

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Ce cours s’adresse aux étudiants du BAA à HEC Montréal et introduit les méthodes supervisées et auto-supervisées d’apprentissage automatique avec des applications issues des affaires internationales.