Sanger, W., Polytechnique Montréal, Ph.D, 2014-2019. Titre: “Science des données et politique : quatre essais pour comprendre les processus démocratiques.”
Farnia, F., Polytechnique Montréal, Ph.D, 2012-2018. Titre: “Study on Non-tariff barriers and Technical barriers on international trade.”
Hadengue, M., Polytechnique Montréal, Ph.D, 2012-2017. Titre: “Diffusion des technologies et innovation inverse”.
Mirza, V., Polytechnique Montréal, Ph.D, 2011-2015. Titre: “Crisis communication and reputational risk in an era of social media.”
Lakhlef, Nadjib, membre du comité, 2014
Kodorski, Ksénia, membre du comité, 2014
Guo, Qi, membre du comité 2015
voir l’onglet supervision
Guillaume Sabourin, 2017-2017, R. Leduc, 2016-2017, DAYE DIALLO, Alpha, 2013-2014, KUBARI, Ayman, 2014-2015, MUR, Mathilde, 2014-2015, Traoré, Mamadou, 2014-2015, Sénégas, Thibault, 2014-2016, LABERGE, Caroline, 2016, NANKANI, Kamlesh, 2016, LE GAL, Lyse, 2016, CARON-PREVOST, Claudel, 2015, MOLINA, David, 2014-2015, BASILE, Johanne, 2014-2015, PIRBAY, Siptène, 2014-2015, DUMORNAY, Stanley, DELIS, Jason, YATES, Rachel, GAUVIN, Luc, OUIMET, Heloise, Oberlé, Marc, FLAVO, Mark, Consulting project in Haiti, 2014
Digoin, Guillaume, “Firms’ Reputation and Social Media”, M.Sc., 2014-2015 Vakilian, Bahram, “e-waste international trade”, M.Sc., 2014 Sanger, W., “Big data and Finance”, M.Sc., 2014 Nembot, B., “Big data and Reputation”, M.Sc., 2014 CLAIRE, Arthur, “International Trade of Recycled Products”, M.Sc., 2014 VERGNE, Guillaume, “International Trade of Recycled Product”, M.Sc., 2014 MONDIN, Christophe, “Behavioral Finance”, M.Sc., 2014 OUCHIKHINE, Vincent, “Oil Volatility: An Experimental Perspective”, M.Sc., 2013 Ghalati, Azam, “Mediterranean Union Integration”, M.Sc., 2012 Normandin, Alban, “Creation of the ASEAN free-trade area and trade distortion”, M.Sc., 2011 DéGA, Cynthie, M.Eng., 2013 SIMARD, Stéfan, “Oligopolies in the Construction Industry in Québec”, M.Eng., 2013 TOURé, Abdou, “Offshoring in the airplane industry”, M.Eng., 2013 JUVANON, Romaric, “Firm’s Reputation: A Strategic Asset”“, M.Eng., 2013 OKOMOROU, Mauril R.IBARA,”Fabrication additive et réindustrialisation: les enjeux pour les pays développés”, M.Eng., 2013 VALENSI, Jérémy, “Obstetrical Risks and Economic Development”, M.Eng., 2012 RUTYNA, Christophe, “Socio-economic impacts of natural gaz supply in Quebec”, M.Eng., 2012 GARAT, éric, “Research project on Nanotechnologies”, M.Eng., 2012 HANI, Salim, “Refurbished Medical Equipment: A field study & analysis of the Lebanese market, its size, fears and potential”, M.Eng., 2012 LACHAPELLE-NEVEU, Mathieu, “Innovation Implementation at EDF”, M.Eng., 2012 HAMOUD, Naja, “Organizational Changes”, M.Eng., 2012 HAMOUD, Naja, “Process Changes at the Canadian Space Agency”, M.Eng., 2012 POULIOT-DESCHAMPS, Alexis, Bacc., 2012 GUEDIRA, Mehdi, Bacc., 2012 Sanger, W., Bacc., 2011 PROVOST, Valérie, Bacc., 2011 CARPENTIER, Julie, Bacc., 2011 LAZIKA, Victoria, Bacc., 2011 CÔTé, Fannie, Bacc., 2011 Ghalati, Azam, Bacc., 2011
###Étudiants en master à Middlebury College (USA) [Honors Theses]
Butera, Rachel, 2009-2010, GRANGER, A., 2009-2010, BECKER, Aaron, 2009-2010, SILBERMAN, Ted, 2009-2010, Mommsen, Mike, 2009-2010, GULLICKSON, Emily, 2009-2010, VELGUE, Frederico, 2009-2010, Clayton, Jessica, 2008-2009, YEO, Pamela, 2008-2009, ERLER, D.a, 2008-2009, SONG, Louise, 2008-2009, ELLENBERGER, Julie, 2008-2009, NUKUSHEVA, Zura, 2008-2009, COUGHLAN, Kelley, 2008-2009,, WILLMAN, Abby, 2008-2009, DOYLE, Matthias, 2008-2009, GOLDSTEIN, Jennie, 2008-2009, CHAMBERS, Andrew, 2007-2008, UZUMCU, Gokce, 2007-2008, ERTEM, Irem, 2007-2008, KLEIN, Melissa, 2006-2007, Donahue, K., 2005-2006, Leiter, D., 2005-2006, SCHWARTZ, David, 2003-2004, Wolff, Lindsay, 2003-2004, Janicki, Hubert, 2003-2004, SENDKER, Rebecca, 2002-2003, DAN, Victor, 2002-2003, DOLATABADI, Negar, 2002-2003, Hennessy, Peter, 2002-2003
KHAFAGY, Mohamed, M.Sc. Toulouse School of Economics, fall 2015, Troadec, Juliette, M.Sc. Toulouse School of Economics, June-August 2015, MATHIEU, Emily, Msc U. of Montreal, January-April 2015, Camara, Thibault, M.Sc. Toulouse School of Economics, June-August 2014